Crypto Realms War
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Status: listed
Votes for listing: 500/500
Votes: 1
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Network: BSC
Survival in the brutal lands of Rakazon comes down to two choices. Be ruthless or die. Gold and silver have since lost their value, and the people have long turned to indiscriminate looting and scheming. The only valuable resource left in this world ravaged by darkness and disease is the life-giving mineral called $YinYang. Found in the deepest recesses of monster-infested dungeons, do you fight or take flight?
Crypto Realms War will represent the future of play-to-earn games. We are developing it to withstand the volatility of the cryptocurrency market with how we designed the reward and burning system of the game, with how NFTs are sold, and with constant updates.
Crypto Realms War will represent the future of play-to-earn games. We are developing it to withstand the volatility of the cryptocurrency market with how we designed the reward and burning system of the game, with how NFTs are sold, and with constant updates.
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Token Value
$ 71,680
Price (USD)
$ 0.000910831544
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